So Very Very Wrong

Old Knudsen is secure enough about his tiny manhood to let another man suck on his abnormally small cock, usually daily whenever I have enough money.
Some pastor in America (had to be a fucking Americunt of course) said recently that you should put gheys into death camps and let them die out to get rid of them. An example on the lack of critical thinking in modern day religion. It's straight people's fault for having ghey babies ya dumbass! If they die out another batch will take their place. Duh!

A lifestyle choice or an act of nature? who gives a fuck? its here and if we gheys are happy then let us be, don't go projecting yer issues onto us.  Those going on about prayer being a cure for gheyness should prey that their stupidity also gets cured.

Old Knudsen's take on ghey marriage is simple, let us get married, why should gheys not be miserable like everyone else?
In life if it makes people happy and isn't hurting anyone then do it. Life is too short to waste hating and worrying ....... fuck me, I hate worrying, it gives Old Knudsen grey pubic hairs.

If it keeps some right wing bible thumping tea bagger up at nights foaming at the mouth about it being only between a man and a woman then yon tea bagger should stop being so fucking nosy fixating on what gheys are getting up to and either go look up ghey porn online like we all do or get a life.

Old Knudsen's take on sodomy: Good fun fer all the family. Up the bum no babies, any port in a storm.... as Old Knudsen says, "well I came, now go make me some tea."
Old Knudsen's take on ghey couples adopting children: Old Knudsen just looks around his bitter neighborhood of Ballygofuckya , the little 5 year -old fuckers running about the road unsupervised, the half-wit boy allowed to jump on his trampoline well into the wee hours while its cold and wet, the ma slapping the face off her kid and dragging it by the arm along the ground ........... some people just shouldn't be allowed to have children full stop. Mary Jane Lezzer for one.....

Old Knudsen judges you on yer actions, no excuses like yer an alcoholic or you were fiddled with and you have to abuse back. Old Knudsen will kill you for being a cunt not for what you are. You have the choice to be a cunt or not. Old Knudsen may well be a cunt, but he is the best looking cunt ever.

Good parents are hard enough to find and I don't think that children will mind if their parent is ghey or not as long as they are loved and feel secure. They will only mind if some adults have taught them to hate or have taught them that it is wrong. More cough linctus, I'm on a roll here!

Many redneck fathers want their kids to grow up just like them or want to make a man out of them and that involves putting others down or in their supposed place. A father treating his wife like a second class servant or slapping her about instead of treating her as an equal teaches the child to do the same. A father complaining about the niggers and beaners teaches a child to do the same. A father lying and cheating teaches the child to do the same, weemen are also just as responsible with their actions too.

Consenting adults can do what they like. Except phart...  when weemen phart Old Knudsen cringes. Ghey man love can be found in the strangest of places and who is to say (besides Old Knudsen) what is wrong or what is right? Sometimes Old Knudsen cums over a little queer in the butchers looking at all the bones.

Its funny that in the back woods of Eyeland you'll find more overly camp gheys than in America. The muck rakers are a very insecure race and so they still feel the need to make a statement and get in yer face. Fucking Americunts and their friendly fire.....

In America you'll find gheys that are just ghey, no statement to make, no need to shock the breeders. Unless they cum from a small narrow minded mid-west town then they are fucked as the mid-west can be very similar to parts of the UK. Fresno for instance, they took umbrage just because that rather handsome llama backed onto my cock just as my belt snapped and my pecker fell out. Gestapo bastards!

There is still a lot of homophobia in the world as there is a lot of racism, sectarianism, sexism and general bigotry about stuff folks feel threatened by.
The majority of the human race are cunts and Old Knudsen doesn't hate them because they are black ghey Jews, he hates them for getting on like pricks.  Don't get me started on them darkies.....

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